Git is a popular Open Source Distributed Version Control System. This training teaches the attendees how to use Git. As part of the training you will master the various aspects of Git architecture, how to do commits, design a Git workflow, branching and merging in Git, dealing with conflicts, merging strategies and more through hands-on projects and case studies.
Introduction to Git
History of Git
The basics
Getting ready
Working locally
Initialize a repository
Undo local changes
Using branches
What's a branch?
Tag and stash
Merge and rebase
Resolving conflicts
Compare branches
Working with people
Deal with remotes
Pull and push
Use of checkout
Workflow with people
Open source mode
Gitflow Workflow
The essential platform
Repository and fork
Pull request
Issue tracker
The tools around Git
Gitlab and BitBucket
SourceTree and GitKraken
Advanced concepts
Locate a bug
Stash changes
Rewrite the history
Cherry picking
Developers using any programming language.