This training provides the skills necessary to develop microservices using the Spring Cloud technology stack. Microservices development raised new challenges like service discovery, service resilience, scalability and monitoring. Attendees will learn solve these challenges using the Spring Cloud technologies. The training includes many use cases and hands-on labs covering Spring Cloud and related Spring Boot and Netflix Open Source Tools.
Introduction to Spring Cloud
Introduction to Microservice Architecture
Introduction to Cloud-Native Architecture
Introduction to PaaS and Spring Cloud
Spring Cloud Config
Configuration Management Challenges in Microservices
The Spring Cloud Configuration Server
Configuration Service
Cloud Config Server Properties File
Git Integration
Configuration Client
Service Discovery with Netflix Eureka
Service Discovery in Microservices
Load Balancing in Microservices
Eureka Architecture
Eureka Server Configuration
Spring Cloud DiscoveryClient Interface
Load-Balancing with Netflix Ribbon
Load Balancing in Microservices
Netflix Ribbon
Load Balance Rules
IPing Interface (Failover)
Integration with Eureka (Service Discovery)
Application Hardening with Netflix Hystrix
Circuit Breaker Pattern
Netflix Hystrix
Circuit Breaker Configuration
Fallback Configuration
Rest Controller and Handler
Enable Monitoring
Edge Components with Netflix Zuul
Zuul is the Gatekeeper
Request Handling
Filter Architecture
Routing with Eureka and Ribbon
Distributed Tracing with Zipkin
Zipkin Features
Zipkin Configuration
The Collector
Zipkin Console Homepage
Java Developers, Java Application Architects
Participants should have experience with Java and Spring Core development.