Module 1: Getting Started with Visio.
This module explains how to use Visio drawing and diagram types, how to start a Visio diagram by using a template, how to work within and customize the Visio drawing environment, and how to use the Visio Help system.
- Starting Diagrams by Using Templates
- Working Within the Visio Environment
- Customizing the Visio Environment
- Getting Visio and Diagram Help
Lab : Exercises
- Start Visio and Browse Templates
- Explore the Visio Drawing Window
- Customize the Visio Environment
- Use Visio Help
After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Start diagrams by using templates.
- Work within the Visio environment.
- Customize the Visio environment.
- Get Visio and diagram help.
Module 2: Adding Shapes to Diagrams.
This module explains how to work with a block diagram, how to add text to shapes, and how to move, size, rotate, and copy shapes.
- Working with 1-D and 2-D Shapes
- Adding Text to Shapes and the Drawing Pane
- Moving, Sizing, Rotating, and Copying Shapes
- Working with Groups
- Finding Shapes for Diagrams
- Inserting Pictures into Diagrams
Lab : Exercises
- Work with Shapes
- Add Text to Shapes
- Manipulate Shapes
- Work with Groups
- Search for Shapes
- Insert and Manipulate Pictures
After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Work with 1-D and 2-D shapes.
- Add text to shapes and the drawing pane.
- Move, size, rotate, and copy shapes.
- Work with groups.
- Find shapes for diagrams.
- Insert pictures into diagrams.
Module 3: Formatting Shapes and Diagrams.
This module explains how to format individual shapes, add decorative elements, and apply themes to entire diagrams.
- Formatting Individual Shapes
- Adding Decorative Elements to Diagrams
- Applying Themes to Entire Diagrams
Lab : Exercises
- Format a Shape
- Change the Appearance of a Diagram
- Apply a Theme
After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Format individual shapes.
- Add decorative elements to diagrams.
- Apply themes to entire diagrams.
Module 4: Connecting Shapes.
This module explains how to connect shapes and work with connectors in a flowchart, and then apply these techniques to other types of diagrams. This module also explains how to use layout tools to distribute, align, and position shapes.
- Connecting Shapes in Flowcharts
- Modifying Shape Connections
- Changing the Layout of Connected Shapes
Lab : Exercises
- Add Connectors to Shapes in Flowcharts
- Insert and Move Flowchart Shapes and Connectors
- Change the Layout of a Flowchart
After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Connect shapes in flowcharts.
- Modify shape connections.
- Change the layout of connected shapes.
Module 5: Creating Project Schedules.
This module explains how to use Visio timelines and Gantt charts to track projects and display progress visually, create a timeline to view a project schedule, export the timeline data to create a Gantt chart, and track project details with the Gantt chart.
- Creating Timelines to View Projects at a Glance
- Exporting Timelines to Create Gantt Charts
- Tracking Project Details with Gantt Charts
Lab : Exercises
- Create Timelines
- Create a Gantt Chart
- Work with Gantt Charts
After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Create timelines to view projects at a glance.
- Export timelines to create Gantt charts.
- Track project details with Gantt charts.
Module 6: Creating Organization Charts.
This module explains how to import data from a Visio spreadsheet to create an organization chart, view additional data stored with each shape, modify the data, display some of the data in the chart, and format the text in each shape. This module also explains how to change the layout of the chart, insert a hyperlink, and add color and background to enhance a chart’s appearance.
- Importing Data to Create Organization Charts
- Storing and Displaying Employee Information in Organization Charts
- Customizing the Layout of Organization Charts
Lab : Exercises
- Import Data from Excel
- Change Data in Shapes
- Add Hyperlinks and Change Layout of a Chart
After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Import data to create organization charts.
- Store and display employee information in organization charts.
- Customize the layout of organization charts.
Module 7: Laying Out Office Spaces.
This module explains how to work with the Office Layout template to create layouts for office and conference spaces, and how to use layers to organize the shapes in an office layout.
- Creating Scaled Office Spaces
- Adding Door, Window, and Furniture Shapes to Office Layouts
- Organizing Shapes in Office Layouts by Using Layers
Lab : Exercises
- Create and Scale an Office Layout
- Add Shapes to Office Layouts
- Work with Layers
After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Create scaled office spaces.
- Add door, window, and furniture shapes to office layouts.
- Organize shapes in office layouts by using layers.
Module 8: Creating Network Diagrams.
This module explains how to use connecting shapes to create a diagram of a network infrastructure, add information to the network equipment shapes in a diagram, and create a hardware report for the network.
- Connecting Shapes in Network Diagrams
- Storing Information with Network Shapes
- Creating Network Reports
Lab : Exercises
- Create a Network Diagram
- Create and View Shape Data
- Create Report Definitions
After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Connect shapes in network diagrams.
- Store information with network shapes.
- Create network reports.