- Defining the Digital Enterprise
- Discover the new organizational models of the digital enterprise
- Define what is change management
- Establish a framework to accompany an organization towards the digital enterprise
The digital revolution
- Digital economy: creative destruction.
- New era of convergence of humans and machines.
- Emergence of a new bimodal computing world.
- Abandoning automatisms to machines.
- Application of Big Data for big answers.
- People are at the center of the digital revolution
New organizational models for the digital enterprise
- Definition of the digital enterprise.
- Why are the traditional boundaries of the enterprise being challenged?
- Why are digital models far superior and make traditional structures obsolete?
- How do new digital models make traditional approaches obsolete?
- The results of the MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) survey.
- The Berger, McKinsey and Lemoine reports on the digital economy.
- The characteristics of the digital enterprise.
The ISD revolutionized?
- What positioning for the ISD in the digital enterprise?
- Should ISD still be called ISD?
- The bimodal ISD.
- The role of the HR department in the transformation of the company.
- The new responsibilities of business divisions.
- The new digital professions.
What is change management?
- The commonly accepted definition.
- History of change management.
- Typologies of change.
- Why does your company need a change strategy?
- Innovation is a complex phenomenon.
Supporting technical change
- Is change natural?
- The brakes to change: homeostasis.
- Theories of innovation.
- Innovation, a real challenge for organizations.
- People and innovation.
- People and IT.
- No universal rule for change management.
"Classic" methods and tools
- From idea to method.
- Structured approaches.
- Change management methods: Moutot and Autissier.
- Change management methods: IBM, "Blue method".
- Methods of change management: psycho-sociological approaches.
- Methods of change management: right brain versus left brain.
- Available tools.
Towards "Agile" change management
- The limits of classical methodologies.
- The factors of failure.
- The inadequacy of the Taylorian model.
- The company facing digital innovations.
- The challenge of a change of culture.
A change management proposal
- How to manage permanent change?
- How to assess its current maturity level?
- How to raise the awareness of senior management, business managers, the IT department and users?
- Is it necessary to create a dedicated change management unit? What place should it have in the company's structure?
- Changes of authority between different departments.
- Overcoming resistance.
- Co-constructing change: the accompanying discourse.
- The co-construction of change: building trust.
- The co-construction of change: transparency and managerial courage.
- Application of the method and tools to a case study.
- Establishing the change dashboard.
Project managers, project management assistants, project management assistants, PMOs, HR managers, CIOs, business managers, company directors.