Angular is a front-end web framework that allows developers to easily build dynamic, responsive single-page web. This training teaches attendees how to build applications using ES6, TypeScript, and modern front-end tools, including npm and Twitter Bootstrap. By the end of this training the attendees will gain deep understanding of the Angular fundamentals.
Review of Web Development Basics
Overview of HTML 5/CSS 3/JavaScript
Responsive Design with Twitter Bootstrap 4
What’s new in JavaScript 2015 (ES6)
Introduction to TypeScript
Introduction to Angular
What is Angular ?
Angular Development History
Angular Architecture and Building Blocks
Angular Installation
Angular Application Structure
The Sample Application that we will build
The requirements and the mockups
Master / Detail
Angular Component, Template and Data Binding
Displaying Data
Data Binding
Dependency Injection
Lifecycle Hooks
Directives, Nested Components and Pipes
Angular Directive Basics
Attribute Directives
Structural Directives
Nested Components
Parent/child Component communication
Using Built-in Pipes
Writing custom pipes
Angular Form Management
Form Basics
Template-driven Forms
Reactive or Model Driven Forms
Form Validation
Writing custom validators
Retrieving Data with HTTP
Observables and Reactive Extensions
Sending Http Requests
Subscribing to observables
HTTP Interceptors
Exception Handling
Angular Routing
Angular Routing Basics
Route Configuration
Router Outlet
Router Links and State
Activated Route
Protecting Routes using Guards
Angular Modules
NgModule Basics
Understanding the Root module
Feature modules
Feature modules and Routing
Shared modules
Lazy Loading Modules
Angular Unit Tests
Unit testing
Testing pipes
Testing services and mocking HTTP Requests
Testing Components
End to End testing
Angular in Production
Preparing many Build Environments
Production Build
Ahead-of-Time (AOT) Compilation and Build Optimizer
Deploying an Angular Application
Having some experience with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.